Funding Strategies
The work of our agencies, governmental systems and communities needs to be sustainably funded. In these times, that’s a tall order!
New Ventures has conducted funding studies, developed fund-raising plans and helped health, behavioral health and community schools initiatives to develop and implement funding strategies that bring greater diversification and sustainability. The best, most sustainable funding is driven by program and system goals and accomplishments. It needs to be structured and tended on a regular basis, as most agencies work with multiple funding streams which need constant renewal.
“My work involves helping agencies to address funding needs as part of a larger picture of system development. I help clients to build more diverse funding, which includes multiple grants and contracts, and, whenever possible, Medicaid funding.”

Examples of Funding Strategie
- Blueprint for a Powerful Funding Plan
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of CA Funding for Head Start Initiatives
- Multi-year Behavioral Health Investment Zone Funding for Rio Arriba County
- Middle Rio Grande Economic Development Association’s Behavioral Health Planning Initiative
- Grant County Senior Services Planning
- Grant County Senior Services Network Development
- Planning & Implementation for Truth or Consequences Community Schools
- Center for Health Innovation’s NM Rural Behavioral Health Network
- System Development Strategies for Presbyterian Healthcare’s Accountable Health Community