
Building an Age-Friendly Community

Age-friendly communities, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), are those that older adults find to be welcoming. These are communities and regions that are actively friendly toward, and supportive of, older adults. Age-Friendly Community Framework The World Health Organization is working with partner agencies in many countries around the world. In the U.S., […]

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A Step Beyond Basic Strategic Planning: Integration that Works!

Great Planning Gets Stakeholders Involved and Excited Old methods of strategic planning are static and boring. They don’t achieve results because they don’t fully engage your stakeholders, and use them as partners to build the plan. Strategic planning that goes beyond the basics and really works involves consultants who can bring the following to the

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Why People Being Served Need to Be Included in Planning

People who are the focus of our plans, services, initiatives, funding, policies or other work should be at the table, as part of the diverse constituency helping to shape the plans. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s respectful, including them in shaping that which may or will impact their lives. Because it’s

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How Does Your Data Treat its Neighbors?

Does your data live nicely with its neighbors? How does your data treat its neighbors? How is your data treated by them, and do they work well together? Or are they separated by big walls? Living in silos? Perhaps your data system seems to constantly fighting with data systems used by others in your field?

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Surfing the “Silver Tsunami”

The aging of our population, or ‘Silver Tsunami,’ as it’s often called, is not something in the future that requires preparation. That’s why it’s called a tsunami, a wave created by an earthquake. Ken Dychtwald was one of the first people to call this trend an “Age Wave.” If we want to be able to

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Why Data is Terrific and Makes a Great Case

I confess, I’m a data geek, and love seeing what technology and software have done for data.  In short, they’ve made data (which geeks love) come alive in charts and graphs for the average practitioner (who doesn’t want to be burdened by a ton of print).  Some of these charts are even interactive, showing changes, highlighting

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Perceptions about Medicaid Expansion and ACA Might Penalize Community Providers

The community health system provides critically needed care, and serves as the “safety net” for many. The creation of the Affordable Care Act, and Medicaid Expansion in many states has resulted in greater coverage and access to care for many who either had gone without health care, received much of their treatment in hospital emergency

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Evidence Based Practice Standards and Your Programs

They have been called “best practices,” “effective practices,” “promising practices,” and  “evidence based practices” (EBPs). Whatever the “nom du jour,” the emphasis continues to focus on identifying what works and funding programs that demonstrate effective practices and strong outcomes. With a shortage of funds for programs at local, state and national levels, the competition for

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Managing the Landscape of State-Nonprofit Contracting

Two new reports from the National Council on Nonprofits (NCNA) and the Urban Institute identify and address serious problems with state government contracting practices with nonprofits.  The Urban Institute conducted a survey of nonprofits across the U.S. They found that about 40% of all surveyed continue to struggle in the wake of the Great Recession,

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Leveraging & ROI: Strategies to Build Sustainability

During the early years of the economic crisis, many nonprofit and government agencies were caught like “deer in the headlights.” However, over time, our leaders have become more astute at anticipating and responding to trends. And we are less frequently frozen in place. Here are some creative program and financial strategies to build sustainability that

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